Showresultaten 2017

Uitslag kampioenschapsclubmatch 2017
Datum: 23 september 2017
Keurmeester: Mevr. Pamela Runderkamp

Axa's Weapon of Sting BOS
Skogstrollet's Betty Boop BOB Clubwinner 2017
Elody se Distinguer Beste Jeugdhond
Axa's Horse of Shadowfax Beste jongste puppy
Traqdean de Dotty Goes Dutch Beste Veteraan
Parabar Paxton's Patent Beste Puppy


Jongste puppklas / Minor puppy class
1VB Axa’s Horse of Bumpkin

Puppyklas / Puppy class
1VB Best puppy Parabar Paxton’s Patent
2VB Sukelyas Eloy
3VB Sukelyas Elmer Fudd

Jeugdklas / Junior class
1ZG Tanspots Crosse Cremant
2ZG Enzo of the Seven Hills Country
Could not be judged. Frits of the Seven Hills Country

Openklas / Open class
1U Clogmills the Artful Dodger
2ZG Bruce of the Seven Hills Country

Kampioensklas / Champion class
1U CAC, BOS Axa’s Weapon of Sting
2U res.CAC Bob of the Seven Hills Country
abs. Telpoolwyn Yushua

Teven / Females

Jongste puppyklas / Minor puppy class
1VB jongste puppy Axa’s Horse of Shadowfax

Puppyklas / Puppy class
1VB Sukelyas Eeyore

Jeugdklas / Junior class
1U Beste Jeugdhond Elody se Distinguer
G Fay of the seven Hills country

Openklas / Open class
1U CAC, BOB, Clubwinner 2017 Skogstrollet’s Betty Boop
2ZG Daphne of the Seven Hills Country
G Sukelyas Diva’s Daisy
G Clogmills Peepy Jellyby
Could not be judged Marmalade’s Lydia Black

Fokkersklas / Breeders class
1U Clogmills mrs Pawkins
2U Flo of the Seven Hills Country
Could not be judged Sukelyas Calliope

Kampioensklas / Champions class
1U res.CAC Marmalade’s New Joy for Weordune
2U Tumlex Scurry Tally

Veteranenklasse / Veteran class
1U best Veteraan Traqdean the Dotty goes Dutch
2U McHeels Geena-D
3U Procordia’s One and Only
Could not be judged Marmalades Dutch Diva