Uitslag kampioenschapsclubmatch 2017
Datum: 23 september 2017
Keurmeester: Mevr. Pamela Runderkamp
Jongste puppklas / Minor puppy class
1VB Axa’s Horse of Bumpkin
Puppyklas / Puppy class
1VB Best puppy Parabar Paxton’s Patent
2VB Sukelyas Eloy
3VB Sukelyas Elmer Fudd
Jeugdklas / Junior class
1ZG Tanspots Crosse Cremant
2ZG Enzo of the Seven Hills Country
Could not be judged. Frits of the Seven Hills Country
Openklas / Open class
1U Clogmills the Artful Dodger
2ZG Bruce of the Seven Hills Country
Kampioensklas / Champion class
1U CAC, BOS Axa’s Weapon of Sting
2U res.CAC Bob of the Seven Hills Country
abs. Telpoolwyn Yushua
Teven / Females
Jongste puppyklas / Minor puppy class
1VB jongste puppy Axa’s Horse of Shadowfax
Puppyklas / Puppy class
1VB Sukelyas Eeyore
Jeugdklas / Junior class
1U Beste Jeugdhond Elody se Distinguer
G Fay of the seven Hills country
Openklas / Open class
1U CAC, BOB, Clubwinner 2017 Skogstrollet’s Betty Boop
2ZG Daphne of the Seven Hills Country
G Sukelyas Diva’s Daisy
G Clogmills Peepy Jellyby
Could not be judged Marmalade’s Lydia Black
Fokkersklas / Breeders class
1U Clogmills mrs Pawkins
2U Flo of the Seven Hills Country
Could not be judged Sukelyas Calliope
Kampioensklas / Champions class
1U res.CAC Marmalade’s New Joy for Weordune
2U Tumlex Scurry Tally
Veteranenklasse / Veteran class
1U best Veteraan Traqdean the Dotty goes Dutch
2U McHeels Geena-D
3U Procordia’s One and Only
Could not be judged Marmalades Dutch Diva